Silence of my blog
Door: Brendan Oostveen
Blijf op de hoogte en volg Brendan
01 Mei 2015 | Panama, Panama-stad
As you have probably seen there has not been posted anything for 5 days and I have a very good reason to do so. This schoolweek so monday to friday we are working on our internship, so day in day out more likely the same routine. Telling you about this is interesting but not to tell you daily about. So here is the summary of the past 4 days of internship. So monday Rigoberto let us feed the frogs for the first time. So what we had to do was go to container 3 to get flies from a small bucket into another bucket. These flies can not fly due to mutation in the genes, these are just normal fruitflies. Get them to the frogs and use a spoon to put them in the aquarium with the frogs. Other things we had to do the past days were cleaning aquariums from the quarantine zone with bleach and water and also measuring the worths of different stuff in the water like ph and saltiness. Also the daily routine we did every day was feeding the tadpoles and cleaning the frog tanks. One of the special things was yesterday, thursday, that we went to tank 3 where they hold a new discovered species. This species was discovered last year and is family of the poison dart frog and so poisinous. So if you eat this frog you die. But we had to spray and clean the tanks of these frogs. Also everyday we were talking to Rigoberto most of the time just to learn more about these interesting creatures. So that was our internship from monday to thursday but now I have to cut it short because I am leaving to our last day of internship in 5 minutes. Also one last nice thing was that we got our Smithsonian IDs so we are officialy part of the Smithsonian. Till now I am enjoying the different stuff we do for the survival of the frogs.